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2y ago

Struggling with PCOS and Weight Loss

I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2018. Since then I have tried to lose weight and every time, I see no results. I've been stuck at the same weight no matter what I do. What can I do to fix my insulin resistance and lose weight? Please help.

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2y ago

Ask about ozempic


2y ago

they have already tested me for diabetes cause I'm so worried about developing it but always came back fine. I've tried dieting, yoga, ddp yoga, cadio, strength training, cutting out certain foods that are sensitive to pcos, and diet pills. Nothing worked. I'm tired of being 280 it's the highest I've ever weighed in my life and it's killing my knees and my ankles


2y ago

I've never heard of ozempic and but they have refused me prescription diet pills. And I have only tried over the counter diet pills


2y ago

Ozempic is new, it's for diabetes but helps with weight loss. But it is in very low stock because someone on tik tok is promoting it only as a weight loss medication.


2y ago

yea my doctor gave it to me for the health reasons but also in an attempt for a little bit of weight loss, not just weight loss. It makes me mad that that person is promoting it when people like me who actually need it have a hard time getting it. It’s also not fun to inject yourself every week so no it’s not just a simple quick fix for weight loss it’s a lot more than that


2y ago

I have taken a prescribed weight loss medication before. It just made me jittery and I felt like crap. I am wary of them now.


2y ago

Have you tried Metformin? I was prescribed it to help with my insulin resistance.


2y ago

yes, I have been taking it for almost three years and it has caused me to develop stomach issues but really hasn't done that much for my sugar levels.


2y ago

My sister (also pcos) has had better luck with a weight loss clinic than a GP or OBgyn. I'm having the same problem and so far contrave is kinda helpful. It's not supposed to work fast but you can basically stay on it long term. I've lost 4 lbs in the last 3 months. It's slow going but at least I've stopped gaining.


1y ago

Gluten and dairy free diet! Also avoiding inflammatory foods. I also take inositol alongside my metformin for insulin risistence

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