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2y ago

Possible Autoimmune Disease Diagnosis: Seeking Advice

Ok so I just found out that I maybe (?) don’t have lupus, but I definitely have an autoimmune disease. My last doctor was very awful and I now I have a new one. Basically I got diagnosed by a blood test (which even if it’s positive, doesn’t mean I have lupus) and like I said awful doctor, did no other further testing or tried to send more over to proper doctors like a rheumatologist. Now my new did another blood test and my ana (I think that’s what its called) was negative, but the other one (idk what it’s called) for an autoimmune disorder was positive and I have all the autoimmune symptoms, etc. Idk what to do,,, I have to wait a long time to get further testing at a rheumatologist or whatever. I honestly just what to know what k have,,, I think I might have Fibromyalgia m, but that’s not an autoimmune disorder 😔 anyways, any advice? Also thanks for reading this long blurb of text 😭

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2y ago

Hang in there


2y ago

Don’t be too hard on yourself


2y ago

Pray about it and try to keep stress levels down until you know for sure


2y ago

thank you for the advice! And for my stress levels,,, I did break out in hives because of stress so I need to do better at management :^)


2y ago

What blood test if you don't mind me asking? If it is the double stranded dna antibody test, that is very specific for lupus. However, ANA is often done first which is present in many diseases and up to 10 percent of normal people.


2y ago

Oops nvm I see you mention that you don't know the name.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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