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2mo ago

Struggling with POTS Diagnosis: Will I Ever Feel Better?

I’ve recently been diagnosed with POTS and trying some lifestyle techniques to see if there’s any improvement. It feels like there is such a long journey ahead of me and it’s hard to keep positive. How likely is it that I will actually find a way to be okay again?

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2mo ago

It can definitely get better. What helped me the most was making sure I'm eating and drinking plenty. For drinks I aim to have half of them with a quality salt or an electrolyte mix. I take a medication for it too. Sometimes I wear compression stockings. When symptoms are worse, I take plenty of time to sit up or stand. I'm sure you know all the usual things to try. But just wanted to say, that yes, all these things combined really do help. Noone can say exactly how much it will help you, or how long your nervous system will take to heal. Part of the process is learning to trust your body that it's doing the best it can. Trust helps you stay calm, and calm helps your nervous system do its best to regulate everything. I guess the other things that help me are postural adaptations, like sitting with my feet up when I can, things like that. You'll be okay.


2mo ago

thank you so much- that’s really helpful! I think all of this has affected the way I relate to my body so building that trust and sense of calm will be important for me. Do you mind me asking which medication you take? My doctor has prescribed a beta blocker. I’m a bit nervous to try it but I suppose it’s worth a go!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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