The following are typical classroom, exam, and assignment accommodations that may be recommended for students with a psychiatric disability:
-Preferential seating, especially near the door to allow leaving class for breaks.
-Assigned classmate as volunteer assistant.
-Beverages permitted in class. -Prearranged or frequent breaks.
-Tape recorder use.
-Notetaker or photocopy of another student's notes.
-Early availability of syllabus and textbooks.
-Availability of course materials (lectures, handouts) on disk. -Private feedback on academic performance.
-Exams in alternate format (e.g., from multiple choice to essay; oral, presentation, role-play, or portfolio).
-Use of assistive computer software (e.g., Optical Character Recognition, allowing scanned text to be read aloud by the computer's sound card; or speech recognition for converting the spoken word to printed word on the computer screen).
-Extended time for test taking.
-Exams individually proctored, including in the hospital.
-Exam in a separate, quiet, and non-distracting room.
-Increased frequency of exams.
-Substitute assignments in specific circumstances.
-Advance notice of assignments.
-Permission to submit assignments handwritten rather than typed or vice versa.
-Written assignments in lieu of oral presentations or vice versa.
-Assignments completed in dramatic formats (e.g., demonstration, role-play, and sculpture).
-Assignment assistance during hospitalization.
-Extended time to complete assignments.
Choose whichever things would be beneficial to YOU. These are examples of what I could find. However, not all requested accommodations are "reasonable" to some, so they may not do some of these things, but some others they may. I hope this helps. My personal recommendation is going to a different quiet area when taking a test or doing an important assignment.