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1y ago

Questioning My Memories of Childhood Trauma

I have extreme fears and anxiety as if I was abused but there's no clear record of it. I can't remember much from before 9 but I do have memories, not completely wiped, but if someone asked how I was back then or my best memory it'd be hard to answer. The rest of my past is also fuzzy but not nearly as much as before 9 years old. I'm questioning myself more and more as time goes on if anything happened to me at all or if I'm just making it all up. Now I question my memories of anything on a daily basis and always give in to people even when I feel like I'm absolutely sure that I remembered it accurately, which makes it ridiculously easy to gaslight and manipulate me.

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1y ago

Trauma can trigger dissociation but also as we age we do often remember less of our childhood. Maybe something a therapist could help you with


1y ago

You are not wrong or losing it. Trust your instincts. If you pray and/or see a therapist, do that. Be kind to yourself. The little girl you were knows something. You may be being protected from memories. You may not be able to handle them. Focus on getting well. Maybe don’t share with people who will backfire on you. Protect yourself.


1y ago

Thank you for your replies. I do see a therapist, but it seems I haven't had much luck in finding a good doctor.

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