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Updated 11mo ago

A Scary Night at Work: My Medical Emergency

story time: one time I was at work. I was a server assistant at a restaurant. anyways, I went to clean off one of the tables in the "loft", andi fell and start to have a seurize. a guy stands up say call 911 to the bartender. the bartender says sit down. the guy says" call 911, someone is having seurize". the bartender call and then says "is there a nurse here?? a nurse jumps up and says "I am a nurse". the nurse sat with me until the ambulance got there. my boss let my mom (my works at the restaurant I worked at) know what had happened, then my mom called my dad and told him to come to the restaurant. the ambulance got there and took over. my mo rode with me in the ambulance, and my dad drove in his car behind us. it was so scary. my co-workers were the best. I am grateful that I have friends like them in my life. to my Wg family: thank you for saving my life that night. i know it have been scary for all of you to see me like that. I love all of you. owen(the bartender that night): thank you for calling 911. also thank for asking for a nurse that night. to the nurse: I will be for ever greatful that you at work that night. when Owen asked if there was a nurse here, you jumped and sprang in to action. if I could meet you in person, I would these words to you. you will always be in my heart. Niki (my former boss): thank for letting my mom know what was going on with me that night. I know we did not get a long that well, but that night will be my favorite memory of you. anyone I forgot: thank you.

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That’s a good story you have people that’s care I had a seizure driving Sunday and thank god I didn’t wreck I called a friend and she was there when I had a second seizure and called 911 so I was lucky as well but I worry is this our life I already had a surgery to remove a mass I have 2 other small masses that I was told shouldn’t cause seizures so this is so scary Kain

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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