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1y ago

My Experience with Seizures: A Journey of Uncertainty

This is my story. I was 10 years old on a bus on my way back to Michigan from a camp in Tennessee. Almost to the boarder of Michigan on Indiana's boarder I started having my first seizure. The bus was pulled over and a chaperone who has epilepsy was there doing what she knew how. Moments after I had another.  They called a ambulance where I was moved to Carmen Indiana in the ambulance I had another seizure, and then another 2 at that hospital. I was areo-med to a hospital in Fort Wayne, in the helicopter had another. Then in the hospital another 3 to 4. They ran every test from the mri, eeg, to even a ultrasound. They couldn't find anything to set it off or wrong. My parents came down and by the time I woke up they were there. I only remember being on the bus and hearing my seat buddy talking to me. Then this old guy with big glasses staring at me and the noise of the helicopter. Numerous tests and a week later I was sent home. I didn't have another seizure until I was 14 at yet another camp (camping is bad I guess) in Arkansas. Spent one night there and was allowed back at camp. After that I would have them daily or weekly till I was 20 when I had a vns put in and haven't had one since this September would be 6 years, but I'm still chicken to everything that feels off even if it's just a headache.

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1y ago

Me and my sister have seizures brought on by intense fear. It is good to examine your emotions during these episodes and so what is going on. Many seizures are caused by excessive fear or worry


1y ago

I was recently diagnosed with functional neurological disorder and I have non epileptic seizures because of trauma.


1y ago

I have heat seizures. But I dont flail about. My body freezes up and I blankly stare. I can hear what's going on but I can't respond. My limbs don't move at all.


1y ago

same I hate absences 😭

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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