Hello, I would like to bring some personal insight into this question. I have been misdiagnosed numerous times as bipolar, depression / dysthymia, anxiety, PTSD, but was correctly diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder about 2 years ago. About a month-and-a-half ago as I was establishing care with a new medication doctor, and she diagnosed me as having textbook ADHD and agreed on the BPD diagnosis. She was completely baffled that I was never formally diagnosed until now. After taking my new prescription of adderal for over a month now, I honestly forget about my borderline symptoms. Of course, everyone is different, and everyone's symptoms present differently. My brain was always racing, always on edge, and I was always prone and sensitive to slight environmental changes which would typically result in Anger Outburst, intense emotions, and the inevitable suicidal ideation, with behaviors. With the Adderall, I am calm, relaxed and able to focus on what I need to do, and that has lessened all of my listed symptoms of above. I feel like the ADHD is the gasoline that fuels every single other symptom. For me, it has changed my life completely, and I have not had any adverse side effects. I read in a book called, I hate you don't leave me, that adults with borderline personality disorder may have qualified for an ADHD diagnosis as a child. They do not know if they travel together, or if one may predispose one to another. Again, this is just my personal experience after 18 years of intense mental health symptoms and medication failures. As my medication wind out of my system, I can see myself and others can see my drastic change. If anyone would like to talk more, please feel free to reach out.