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2y ago

How to Stop Being Negative and Be More Positive?

Does anyone have any tips on how to stop being so negative / be more positive? my default is always negative even when I'm trying to be positive and it's really affecting my life and my mental health

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2y ago

I know what you mean im the same way all i can say hun is try to be strong and move forward go day by day


2y ago

This is cliche advice but it’s helped me. Try a gratitude journal or something similar. It forced me to think about the positive things in my life even if I had to think really hard to come up with something. Maybe that would help you?


2y ago

I have a good thing from my therapist. She says you can’t say anything you don’t believe, but still tweak the negative thought. So you can’t be like “Life is good!” when you don’t think life is awful. You have to be like “Life is not awful” or something that you can believe logically. So “Everyone hates me” to “I don’t have proof everyone hates me, and logically speaking, because I hate myself, I would naturally gravitate towards believing everyone else does too, but in all reality, some people might hate me but not everyone does.” (It does not have to be that long of a sentence 😂😂). Lemme know if that helps!!


2y ago

When you think life is awful**


2y ago

That's actually really helpful, I never thought about saying things you could actually believe rather than false positivity


2y ago

I'll be super happy & having a great day then this dark cloud of sadness and depression comes over me and ruins my day all the time I hate it I just wanna be in a good mood for once


2y ago

Do things you enjoy if you can


2y ago

Sometimes u just have to give yourself a vibe check. A lot of times I’ll get really caught up in anxious thoughts and I have to tell myself that I’m being ridiculous


2y ago

It helps to recognize that you’re often more negative and that doesn’t mean reality is like how you perceive it. But also your feelings are valid so you have to be aware of both sides and try to kind of be in the middle of the venom diagram. I don’t know how to explain it but it’s a dbt technique my therapist told me about the “wise mind”

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