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1y ago

How to Stop Annoying Intrusive Thoughts?

I've been having really annoying intrusive thoughts... how do I stop them?

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1y ago

respond to them with ration. it can be hard. but think why you want to do whatever the thought it, and then why it’s not a good idea


1y ago

Resist compulsions or responding to them in any way. Don't force yourself to ignore them, just acknowledge they're there then try to move on. Not doing any compulsions will make you feel worse in the moment and it's not easy but in the long term you will start to be affected by those thoughts less. The problem is that intrusive thoughts can't just go away entirely, so you have to learn how to not get stuck on them. If things get really bad you may want to consider ERP with an OCD specialist, if you can afford it


1y ago

ignore them to the best of ur ability. label it as an intrusive thought and don’t pay any more attention to it.


1y ago

What I usually do is let the thought be, the more you try to force it down, the more power it has, at least that’s what I’ve learned and I’m able to manage it better :))


1y ago

I find telling someone I'm having intrusive thoughts and that they are bothering me (without actually describing them or telling anyone what they are) just takes a tiny bit of the weight off

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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