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1y ago

Struggling to Be Heard by My Doctor: Need Advice

TW: medical gaslighting, infantilization How do I get my doctor to listen to me?? She keeps telling me that depression and anxiety are causing all of my symptoms despite my multiple diagnoses from another doctor (I moved states). I asked for a blood and urine test to rule out a disease that my last doctor was considering for me, and she won't even consider ordering the test. She told me it was a waste of everyone's time and that if I was really convinced that she'd make a referral to a specialist. So a blood test to rule something out is more of a waste of time than waiting months to see a different, very expensive doctor to order that same blood test that may or may not give answers?? I pointed this out respectfully and she tried to explain how a referral works and that she usually doesn't order those tests. She's fully able to but won't. We went in circles of me begging to be treated and her talking to me like I'm 5 until I cried. She then proceeded to try and prescribe me antidepressants without informed consent by telling me they were pain meds. (Cymbalta is a nerve pain med too so she didn't lie, but SSRIs don't work for me and I told her this). How can I ask her again over email to order the tests in a way that might get her to actually listen?

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1y ago

Honestly, she’s shown you she has already made up her mind. If I were you I would spend the energy finding a new doctor instead of trying to convince this one she’s wrong.


1y ago

Yes I know, I'm looking for a new one. She's the third in a row that has put me through this and I'm sick and tired of being steamrolled. I just want to be taken seriously and for the running in circles to end.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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