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2y ago

Struggling to Hold Down a Job

Does anyone else have a huge problem holding down a full time job? I am 29, and been working for over a decade. The longest I've ever held down a job was 1 year, mostly due to attendence issues because I feel like work is entirely overwhelming and makes me feel like I'm actively drowning. I have worked about every type of job you could think of, and this has been a consistent issue. Is anyone else in a similar place and how do you cope?

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2y ago

Yesss! I'm also 29 the longest was 3 years but it was because they needed the people, I was doing doubles most days and would come in whenever I wanted.


2y ago

I for sure feel like really flexible shift options are what I thrive in the most. I'm sorry you're dealing with this also, it sucks


2y ago

absolutely. after a year i start to become exhausted with this routine and same area. perhaps working from home might help? or a job that lets you travel so you’re never around the same surroundings with the same people


2y ago

I’m 25 and haven’t been able to hold down a job for over ~1 year (in 7 years of being in the “work force”). When I’m up I’m hyper productive and a good employee, but when I’m down I inevitably can’t keep up and lose the job with unintentional destruction behind me. Currently living with parents and that does not make me feel great 😕 Finding I get a lot of judgement from others about my inability of keeping a job. That creates shame. And then I am further held back from keeping a job. Not to mention losing a job can really induce a spiral that further stops me from getting a new one…

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