I’ve had sleeping problems and full insomnia for five years, but what I found, and each person is different, is balancing my blood sugar throughout the day. You may not even know that you have a problem with it. It would be good for you to check your blood sugar two hours after eating a normal meal with carbs. Dr. after Dr. after Dr. missed this one. The other thing is it’s kind of like a hypoglycemia type thing where this is why you have to keep it stable and I suggest fruit because fruit does not hurt your blood sugar it helps keep it stable. If you’re eating whatever you want in your Western medicine doctor never mentions anything about your diet, in my humble opinion that’s not a doctor that’s helping you. I’ve had to learn a lot of things the hard way because I could never find even a natural Doctor Who was so experienced with hypothyroidism and all the things that come with it. It affects your adrenals it affects your sleep it affects your digestion, it affects your blood pressure and your cholesterol!!! Are used to take a handful of sleeping supps probably enough to put a horse out, but I’m so glad I’m not living on those anymore and if I eat a little something every two hours and that does mean a piece of fruit, I do so much better and if I eat some fruit before bed as well, and I believe this Hass to do with the liver not being able to store glycogen, that is the sugar that your body needs to be able to sleep. I’m not sure if everyone has this problem but I know I do. I’ve taken liver supplements done liver cleanses etc. I would really love to find a Doctor Who is so experienced with us and knows all about it so that I can heal mine!!!