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2y ago

Struggling to Take My Medication

Does anyone else have a hard time taking their meds for no particular reason? The meds I’m prescribed really do help me, and I’m not withholding them intentionally as a form of self-harm, and I don’t see anything wrong with taking them. It literally takes me 30 seconds to take them, so why can’t I just do it??? I haven’t taken my meds in like 3 months now and even if I wanted to get back on them, my therapist said I needed to wait to talk to my psychiatrist because it’s been too long and I might have to adjust to them again.

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2y ago

For me I had to get a weekly pill holder. Before that I would just forget sometimes. Not sure if that would help you or if you have that already. I mean, if ur meds aren’t at high dosages I don’t know why u can just start then again. I’m not a doctor so don’t hold me to that lol


2y ago

I get tempted to not take them seriously..I have to put a written card with the help that my meds are doing. My symptoms are subtle so if I miss a dose minor awareness catches a symptom. I have a history of going off meds n getting disabled..so I advocated to have the P.A.C.T. treatment team to help me.


2y ago

I have this same issue and I don't know what to do to help. So any advice would help me as well.


2y ago

I keep my med bottles together so that they are the first thing I see when I get up and the last thing I see before I sleep. I keep water by my bedside so I can take them.


1y ago

I really don't like taking mine either because of how many pills I have to take at once, and I don't like eating early in the day but I take my meds really early so it Hurts my stomach. Many people don't like them because of what they represent or sensory issues, but to not take them for that long it might be something more deep seeded, it's probably something you should explore with your therapist or in a journal


1y ago

I really like using the Finch app as a habit tracker, you could do something like that where taking your meds is a daily goal & that way there's an immediate reward for doing it

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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