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2y ago

Struggling with ADHD: Is it just me?

Did anyone get diagnosed with ADHD young? I got diagnosed when I was 5. I was a pretty distracted kid, and I'm still that way - it impacts my daily life and college work a lot now. But now I feel like I should be better at controlling it and I'm just not. Am I coddling myself or is this stuff actually really hard? I don't know what day it is half the time, routine and motivation feel like pulling teeth, and getting back into hard-core schoolwork after taking a break makes me feel so helpless. Is this how it is for everyone?

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2y ago

Are you taking medication for it?


2y ago

I was diagnosed when i was 9 but mine calm down when i turn 18


2y ago

I just started taking concerta for it again.


2y ago

Hey love. So I was diagnosed as a child as well and was on meds up until I was about 18 (I went through this "rebel" stage where I was too good for meds) and it's now taken me 10 years for someone to actually believe me when I said I have ADHD because it's so hard to see in adults (especially female) so they brushed it off as Anxiety and Depression. But when I finally got someone who believed me, I felt so much better when I got on meds. It's okay to feel like you can't control it. Because it is REALLLy hard too. So don't put yourself down for having ADHD.


2y ago

It's soooooo f*ing hard. You're certainly not coddling yourself. We live in a world mostly designed for and by neurotypical people, so of course things will be challenging from time to time. You have to give yourself credit for staying on track and accomplishing what you have so far. It's not easy, but you can do it.


2y ago

I was diagnosed pretty much that young, too, because my older brother is ASD and ADD, so she could tell I had stuff and got me tested. She only put me on Straterra until I asked for stims at 14, which in hindsight I’m grateful for because it taught me skills. ADHD/NVLD and choosing a BAD time to change meds (guanfacine causes a HOST of behavioral issues - I had no self-control) cost me grad school. So yeah. Knowing you have it and getting treatment doesn’t make it all go away.


2y ago

But I do have a close group of good friends, a boyfriend of almost 2 years. And I left undergrad with a GPA of 3.8. It’s not easy, and I’m still figuring it out, but it does get better. And I’m happy to DM.

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