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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Hpylori treatment

I’ve had Hpylori since January and have been on triple therapy 2 times with no results. The doctor started me on quadruple therapy 3 days ago and yesterday and today have had bad D so the dr. Took me off of treatment I will see a gastroenterologist on may 3rd for a endoscopy I’m so worried I don’t surfer from reflux or pain just the gurgling at night sometimes I’m so scared

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I don't have any pain already had a endoscopy & a GI both came back good but still be bloated a little trying a High Fiber Diet



My endoscopy is on may 3



Make sure you get on a good pre/probiotic and follow FODMAP diet as that helps.



I was diagnosed with h pylori in May 2022. I started first round of meds (included 2 antibiotics and 1 acid reducer) a few days after being on the medication, I started freaking out because I was having other symptoms like bad nausea/chest pain. I finished my meds and went back to take a few weeks later. I still had h pylori!! 😥 Dr did an endoscopy. Thankfully, everything was fine but I still had h pylori and also found out I had a hiatal hernia! Dr started me on 4 meds to eradicate h pylori! I just finished my meds about a week ago. I will go back to test in a few weeks. I still had the burning feeling in my stomach, so I bought mastic gum supplements and probiotics to heal my stomach after all those meds 😥The probiotics seem to be helping! I also bought black licorice and organic throat coat (original with slippery elm) tea… that seems to be helping my stomach and acid symptoms! Try something natural before going on another round of meds. 😥

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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