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1y ago

Sudden Tingling and Burning Sensation - Need Help!

So I don’t understand what’s going on.. last Feb I had taken a med for 2 days and woke up with extreme shakiness feeling disoriented and then all at once my hands started to tingle i felt like I was going to pass out and got extreme burning and tingling starting at the back of my head and then through my whole body. Since then i’ve been paranoid about a stroke and has caused extreme paranoia and panic attacks because I still have weird tingling and burning. Today I got this extreme sense of impending doom and I was doing fine and then all of a sudden I felt super heavy my bf and I were almost home and I felt like I was going to pass out (so I started panicking) and then my hands started tingling and I couldn’t feel my hands or my face and arm. I went to the er they took vitals and I sat there for 5 hours and that all eventually went away. I opted to go home but still feel odd and like brain foggish. Anyone else ever have this or know what it could be? Because no i’m really paranoid and panicked

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1y ago

I cant speak on the initial incident, but a lot of the things you're describing experiencing since can be symptoms of a panic attack. Any sort of incident or change regarding your health is scary, and that can worsen anxiety and even result in more symptoms caused by your anxiety. I've been through it myself, and I still experience a lot of health related anxiety. I became hypervigillant of any sort of feeling in my body. It became a feedback loop. I would notice a small symptom and that would make me anxious and i'd worry it was something serious. Then the anxiety would cause more physical symptoms, which just made me more convinced something was wrong. I personally get a lot of the things you mentioned during my panic attacks. These days, i often feel a lot of the physical aspects of my panic attacks before the actual feeling of panic even sets in. It could be the same for you. It's still important to get checked out but I wonder if some of your symptoms could be anxiety presenting in a more physical way than you're used to. You should still definitely see a doctor as soon as you can just to be safe, I just see a lot of things in your post that remind me of my own experience with panic attacks so I thought it might be helpful to share


1y ago

I’ve had a year of intense extreme anxiety attacks and this only happened once or twice but not quite like this. I’ve learned how to spot it before it starts fully manifesting so I was trying to breathe and calm down and it was like whatever was happening was going to happen. I ended up going home and ate and drank a liquid iv and felt slightly better but had dissociation. I woke up and just feel extremely tired, brain fog and just not myself.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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