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Updated 11mo ago

Tips for Talking to a Doctor About Suspicious Symptoms

What are your tips for talking to a doctor about symptoms you feel could be more than your pots? I have a few symptoms that, after a year of pots medication/treatment, I am suspicious might be something more. After research and conversations with other spoonies I know of a few things I would like to check out/be tested for so i know if there is a better way to treat these symptoms. Idk how to approach the doctor without seeming like I’ve just googled things and am trying to diagnose myself. I always worry about not being taken seriously because they assume I’m just worrying too much about nothing. Guess I can blame all the medical gaslighting for that but so far I like this pcp so I’m hoping it won’t go that way.

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I don’t know if this will help, but I’ve had doctors recommend following organizations like Dysautonomia International or the EDS Society since they’re good resources for patients and physicians. If it’s a comorbidity, maybe you could find something they published that you could bring to your doctor?



That is a valid worry that a lot of us go through. Honestly I've been to countless doctors who roll their eyes at me when I start speaking in medical terms, and write me off as "just having anxiety". Recently I went to one I was super nervous about bc of past experiences and he actually listened and even asked if I was a nurse because I was so knowledgable. I enjoyed the interaction bc he actually respected me, and we are still working together to get to the bottom of things. (He even asked consent before physical examination, you dont find them like that often!) Google is not all bad. I have learned invaluable information from it. Keep doing you and keep looking into your own body because nobody knows it better than you.



If I can add some more- bring ideas up to your doctor, make it obvious you want a straight forward answer. This is usually how my interactions go... "I think my symptoms may match -insert illness here- illness, what do you think? Do you think we could do -insert test here- or try -insert medication here-?" And at the end of the appointment make sure all of your concerns are addressed, and testing/rx has been ordered. Good luck! Dm me if you want to😁

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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