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1y ago

Unexplained Symptoms: Attacked by Bees and Knots on My Head

So I want to share something on here that maybe someone else gets and I can hopefully figure out. When I get hot, or have been moving stuff around, ie irritating my back, I start feeling like I'm being attacked by bees all over. I feel it on my back, my arms my stomach, my legs, my chest. Then I notice little clear bumps. I have a panic attack and freak out. It takes about 20 minutes for me to cool down my body and make it go away. I've seen my dr and a rheumatologist for this.. Noone knows what it is.. The rheumatologist just gave me muscle relaxers and thats it.. Blood tests always come back clean.. Also I have had 3 pencil eraser sized knots on the top of my head. They hurt to touch. I get headaches where they are. My drs don't know what they are either. Nor have they done tests to bother even checking them out. I have a constant issue scratching my head only when home. Like an anxiety thing. it's only in one spot usually. I don't have lice. I don't scratch when im any where else. As long as my hands are busy I don't do it. But my head feels if I were at the beach and had sand on my scalp. But only in spot. And my scalp feels kinda squishy I quess? But only on the left side near the top. I hope someone has answers for me :(

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1y ago

The bee sting feeling could be your nerve endings being overstimulated. I get a similar feeling sometimes after cleaning or doing something exerting. I also get clear bumps on my hands, that spread if they pop. I call them stress bumps, because stress/anxiety causes them, but was told it is Dyshidrotic eczema. They are extremely itchy and hurt after a shower or doing dishes. Hydrocortisone cream helps with them. Although, I think this is usually only on hands and feet. I get eczema on my scalp when stressed. I only scratch it at night, mainly in my sleep. It feels like sand and has small squishy bumps that hurt. I get obsessed with them and pick and squeeze them until they pop. Once popped and the scab heals, it goes away. But it is very painful until it does. Not sure if it is the same type of bump you have though. Have you been referred to a Dermatologist? If not, I would recommend asking for one. Especially for the bumps on your head. Or even a Neurologist, because the bumps are causing headaches.


1y ago

it says that what you have, the bumps, only happens on hands and feet? And my dr hasn't even referred me to a neuro.


1y ago

and the little bumps on my head if I mess with them they hurt and seem to get a tiny bit bigger so I stop messing with them. And it makes my whole hurt more. But I'm so tired of constantly going to the dr. And complaining about everything and coming up blank.


1y ago

Sounds like my fibromyalgia.


1y ago

Seconded! A friend of mine had rheumatoid arthritis. (I know, not the same thing) Because it was an auto immune disorder her skin would break out if she was in hot water too long, like washing dishes.


1y ago

Definitely check with a dermatologist, this sounds like a skin related issue.

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