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2y ago

Vyvanse not working anymore, anyone else?

started at 30mg vyvanse, & the first day i took it i felt like somebody put glasses on my brain. 2 months later, im on 40mg & i don’t feel any of those effects anymore. if anything my already racing mind is almost worse. i don’t think it’s doing anything for me. does anybody else have this issue?

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2y ago



2y ago

So vyvanse definitely has an energizing/stimulating effect. That's actually one of the biggest reasons I like it, lol, because I need the boost more often than not. Working with my psychiatrist, I found that taking a little bit of abilify along with the vyvanse helped keep my brain from being too bouncy while still getting the benefit of the clarity and energy.


2y ago

Hey, I take vyvanse and at 40mg too and while I do think it helps me I wanted to say that if you are experiencing significant discomfort with how it works you should probably talk to your doctor about it. It might just not me the right medication or dosage for you. At least from someone who feels like the medication is decent for them, it should not feel like that.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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