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3mo ago

Considering Weed for Depression with Schizophrenia

so I have schizophrenia and depression. I've been thinking to use weed to remedy the depression. Is it okay for me to use weed even though I have schizophrenia?

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3mo ago

As I have schizophrenia, depression and other stuff going on, too. but each to there there own, I have my own way dealing with both. I feel like if I use weed or other things, my hallucinations and etc will get worse, but as I said, each to their own.


3mo ago

I completely understand. I was an alcoholic, so when I started using marijuana I never did it for fun and treated it with the same respect as any of my other medications. Addiction runs in my family and after quitting alcohol the last thing I wanted was for me to have a problem with marijuana. I have a lot of physical pain so physical exercise is very limited, but I read the theories of Carl Jung and started using his techniques to heal trauma. I did what in Jungian psychology is referred to as "Shadow Work" which is where one confronts the traumatic experiences of ones life and then mentally defeats them so it no longer seems scary when one thinks about that trauma. The way I did it was picturing a traumatic event as a dragon I had to slay with a sword as well as picturing my trauma as a wave of zombies that in my mind I fought off. It sounds weird, but it is extremely difficult to relive the trauma and then transform it into a fictional villains that I then defeated while in a state of meditation.


3mo ago

I've been using CBD which has the smallest amount of THC. It helps with the nervousness and anxiety the schizophrenia medication causes. It doesn't get stupid high but just enough to be calm. In the beginning, it gave a lot hallucinations but after awhile the hallucinations stopped and I was able to smoke freely. I can't smoke weed weed like that because I want to get a job with the federal government.


3mo ago

CBD can cause you to test positive for THC on a drug test. I too will one day get a federal job


3mo ago

CBD without THC still has trace amounts of THC and in some people it may make them test positive for THC even though it was just CBD derived from hemp. I used to work at a vape shop and we sold CBD vapes and gummies without THC, but we still let people know of the risk of possibly testing positive for THC. A lot of customers were active military service members and as soon as I told them that CBD could make them fail a drug test, they all said "oh hell no!" And I completely understand and I respect our service men and women.


3mo ago

I smoke weed, a lot of weed and eventually plan on detoxing myself off it for a bit so I can get my priorities straight again.


3mo ago

I would make sure your medication doesn't strengthen the effects, because when I tried smoking I did too much too fast with my medication and it made me hallucinate. In managed amounts though with research it can help, so long as you GET IT LEGALLY, and I'm NOT SAYING THAT for MORAL reasons, it's because if you get it ILLEGALLY it can be laced with some pretty bad stuff.


3mo ago

I smoke weed to relax and to help me fall asleep mostly. Sometimes I'll smoke during the day if I need to take the edge off. I have schizoaffective disorder; weed used to make the voices I hear worse. I felt anxiety and I felt I was being attacked by them. But that doesn't happen anymore. I think I just needed to find the right strain. One bad thing is weed makes me slow, and I already have slowed down since being diagnosed. Also, when I come down from weed I get depressed. Besides that, it helps a bit.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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