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3mo ago

Overcoming Boredom and Loneliness in My Weight Loss Journey

I boredom eats and I eat out of loneliness. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. and I know I know I know everyone is sick of hearing this. WATER. The past week alone the only major change but I chose to make was to drink 160 oz of cold water everyday. I had water intake goals before I drank water before I even drink that much water before but switching to cold water changed my life. I didn't start making the decision to eat omad. but I've been eating only once every one or two days because I'm not hungry. I've combated boredom with hobbies. I even made a daily routine so I didn't have a chance to focus on things that trigger me to eat like boredom or loneliness. If I felt myself doing that then I would just focus on the next thing I had to do and get it done early sometimes. I included using Duolingo in my schedule I included reading for an hour every day in my schedule I even included going to the library to study in my schedule. I haven't followed the schedule in 3 days and I'm not hungry anymore. because I know I have an option for something to do if I do feel bored or if I feel like I need to spend time with people when I don't have that option. no it doesn't replace human companionship and that is still a huge challenge that I'm trying to overcome. but I haven't been pushing myself or stressing myself self out to follow the schedule because the point of the schedule is not so I can get into a habit of a set routine. The point of the schedule is so I have options outside of eating. Have you ever forgotten to eat? If you have you know it's possible to get busy and forget. All I'm doing is using that to my advantage. As of today I'm officially more than 50 lb below my starting weight. it was a long hard journey and there were days when I had to take a step back because I was overwhelmed by everything that I was changing and I had to take one thing to focus on just one little tiny lifestyle change at a time. Here I am not even two years later, at one point I had considered myself addicted to soda. I haven't even thought about it in over a week and even that it was just because someone offered me one and I took it. I haven't had it in my apartment in months. That's a non scale victory that I never thought I'd see. Anyone who says it's not hard is lying to you. But I will say it does get easier and it does eventually become natural. Think of it this way you weren't born knowing how to write your signature but at some point you became able to do it without thinking about it. Lifestyle change is the same way. It takes time it takes effort. Change can happen though. my favorite quote, "It's a process not an event." And if someone told me this 2 years ago I would have laughed in their face. I would have said yeah right lucky it work for you if you're even telling the truth but this will never happen to me. But finally finally finally finally even though it doesn't feel real I'm not hungry. In my opinion that is the best non-scale victory I could have ever hoped for. Sorry for how long this was but I hope sharing will encourage others. definitely feel free to share your experiences in the comments or ask any questions you have I don't have all the answers but I would absolutely love to have more conversations about this. 🙂

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3mo ago

Do tell more, I have the same problem

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