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1y ago

Wellbutrin for Bipolar Type 2: Experiences and Side Effects?

Has Wellbutrin been affective for treating bipolar type 2? Has anyone has any bad side effects?

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1y ago

I have Bipolar I, however my use of Wellbutrin has been by far the most effective method of medication for treating my depression. SSRIs don’t work for me. Mood stabilizers (i.e. lamotrigine/Lamictal) don’t work for me either. Wellbutrin/bupropion has been quite effective (along with getting sun/outside light first thing in the morning), and I take 100mg twice daily. (I don’t take the XL version, just regular.) That’s my experience!


1y ago

that’s really reassuring to hear, I’ve heard that quite the scary reviews on it so it’s made my anxiety worse but I’m glad it’s helped you! Same here though, Ssri’s make me psychotic and the only mood stabilizer that has worked for me has been lithium but I can’t take it due to my lack of care for myself which lead to bad physical side effects. My depressive episodes are horrific, so I’m hoping this can help a bit without such horrible side effects :)


1y ago

Wellbutrin has also been the best for treating my depression. I take Latuda for my bipolar. I have experienced quite a bit of weight loss on Wellbutrin. I've lost about 10 pounds. I've been on it for several months now and everything has kinda evened out at this point.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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