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1y ago

Wheelchair User Seeking Community

Anyone else in a wheelchair? How long? 2020 for me.

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1y ago

I was in a wheelchair, I was diagnosed with functional neurological disorder in 2017 and lost the ability to control my arms and legs in a typical fashion. I was able to re-learn to walk after extensive PT, but it was very difficult to make the transition to being chair bound. I hope you are fairing better


1y ago

I have the same condition. PT gave up on me. But Occupational Therapy has helped me a ton. That is awesome that you improved! I am getting better at controlling my seizures so I am happy for that.


1y ago

I am also on a regular appointment with a Counterstrain massage therapist. I can't reccomend this enough. In one of my earliest appointments, I was wheeled in (wheelchair) and I was able to push my wheelchair out. Amazing bridge between Western & Eastern medicine.


1y ago

I did a variety of different PT and OT as well as doing double time with my psychiatrist. It took a long time and I was really lucky to have a good team of therapusts who helped me get back on my feet. But the thing about FND is the symptoms can come on at any time. I was able to get to a place where I can walk (and talk, I lost that ability as well, but had a great speech therapist) but some new symptoms could come on anytime. It's a daunting process knowing it could get better, or worse anytime. I struggle with the thought that I could just get a new symptom. I have my tremors under control, but they get worse with stress. Keep working, do your PT/OT and don't give up on yourself.


1y ago

I live in a very rural community and unfortunately I don't have that sort of help. However, I have significantly improvement my cognitive function by using different apps, books etc. I loose my ability to read sometimes. I do lose my ability to talk and I fight that often. But I go on "walks" by myself with my service dog all the time. I'm always striving for improvement and I have quit caring about the stares because of my tremors and stuff. I definitely won't give up! I love your ideas though and I will discuss them with my hubby and see if there is something we can find. Every day is a new day with different symptom. I just access what I can do in the morning and go on about my day. I do miss being able to work but I'll get there.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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