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1mo ago

How do you deal with your condition in the workplace?


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1mo ago

I am a liability in a brick and morder building. I can only work from home or not at all


1mo ago

that must be difficult


1mo ago

A bit of struggle, they are trying to understand but there are times pressure can't be handled


1mo ago



1mo ago

when I started working, I was afraid that I would be judged by so many people who I work with and more. which also makes it harder as I work in the health sector as occupational therapy and physiotherapy. but when I started, I was really open to my manager and team about what I have, so now they gave me 5 mins in between the patient so I have time to gather myself. I see under 13 patients a day, but I'm glad that my work understands as well as my patients. another good thing is they gave me a longer lunch break, which is 1 hour. but if I have any issues, they said they are more than happy to cover for me if I want anything longer. so how I deal I speak up and don't let people walk over me. I can't change, but my workplace can, and they changed a lot of things for me.


1mo ago

that is good


1mo ago

I have different levels of ability depending on the day. Sometimes I can stand still and do things like washing the dishes or pouring drinks despite my nerve damage, IBS and chronic fatigue as well as the long list of undiagnosed issues. Other days I need more brakes so I struggle with the idea of going to work at all even on my good days because it feels like I am forcing myself through the lack of energy and not using my good days to enjoy being me.


1mo ago

Just expanding on my previous message. I am currently in college and not working.


1mo ago

that's honestly a fair point


1mo ago

Ash.G, I've struggled with fatigued and being tired all the time too. I've been praying about it so I'm starting to see a change. Yay! Praise Jesus! Are you doing anything currently to help you not feel fatigued? I'm looking for all the help I can get


1mo ago

When I worked I balance for awhile my conditions and work but once I became sicker my health was too much and working at the same time. I am one of those who give my all when I worked

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