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2y ago

Zoloft Side Effects: Weight Gain and Anxiety

Hey ya’ll, I am curious about people’s experience with side effects of Zoloft. I have gained about 40 lbs since starting 2 years ago and nothing I do affects it. I’ve considered weaning off but I’m worried about the brain zaps and I have heard it can make anxiety severe. I’m only on 50mg.

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2y ago

My anxiety was extreme... And I had inappropriate thoughts about hurting myself. I also have gained weight but from other medication. However, I'd definitely talk to your health doctors about this situation. 💗


2y ago

i just lowered my zoloft from 100mg to 75mg and I realized my mental health issues after decreasing it. I realized im bipolar and on the autism spectrum. id reccommend only lowering it if you dont self harm and are mentally strong and ready


2y ago

I’ve been on Zoloft for about 6-7 years, and terrified to wean off it. I was taking lexapro before and I didn’t work for me so I weaned off and had brain zaps for months and went to the hospital for suicidal ideation. Tbh scared to wean off Zoloft. But having said that, I have gained weight since being on Zoloft but I’d take that over the suicidal thoughts any day..


2y ago

Oh my gosh. You gain weight on zoloft?! None of my doctors told me that. I have gained like 90 lbs in the last five and a half years since I've been on Zoloft! I mean I'm sure its also due to stress and lack of eating healthy and exercise... but it seems like that could also be part of it.


2y ago

I gained around the same amount of weight and I've been taking 75-100mg. About the anxiety thing just try to find coping mechanisms, if the meds do harm you talk to your psychiatrist.


2y ago

I cannot take Zoloft as it gives me suicidal ideation but when I did I also gained weight.


2y ago

I feel like it’s really all a matter of what medication helps decrease depression and anxiety, which is different for each person. And honestly yeah I could attribute my weight gain to stress and not eating healthy also. But like I said, I’d take that over feeling suicidal any day.


2y ago

Omg I’ve gained a lot in the few months I’ve been taking it! But I also stopped taking birth control and have PCOS, which probably contributed as well. I also have had a harder time waking up in the morning since starting Zoloft. Like “sleep right through my alarm going off several times” kind of hard, when I never had that problem in the past

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