My Life with Autoimmune Diseases: A Story of Determination

Living with chronic illness is a battle that few can fully understand unless they experience it themselves. For Overcomer, it has been a lifelong journey filled with physical challenges, emotional ups and downs, and an unwavering determination to keep moving forward. From childhood illnesses to a multitude of autoimmune conditions in adulthood, this is a story of resilience, strength, and faith in the face of overwhelming adversity.
My Life with Autoimmune Diseases: A Story of Determination
Written by
Alike Team
Published on
September 12, 2024

As a child, I wasn’t the healthiest. I was often considered sickly, suffering from tonsillitis, constant headaches, foot problems, and frequent colds. I was slowly losing my vision, but no one seemed to understand why. Despite all of this, I just carried on, not fully aware of how much my health would shape my life in the years to come.

Health Struggles in My 20s and 30s

In my 20s, I was very sick, but no one could explain why. My tonsillitis finally stopped, but my overall health continued to decline. By the time I reached my 30s, I was under state protection due to an abusive home situation, and my health only worsened with each passing year.

Over the past eleven years, I’ve been diagnosed with numerous autoimmune illnesses, making it increasingly difficult to maintain a normal working life. I gave back to the system through my work, and even excelled in the workplace, but my health always kept a tight hold on me. No matter how much I achieved at work, my body forced me to pause and start over, again and again. In 2018, after being awarded Employee of the Year, I had to stop working altogether.

The Battle of Autoimmune Illnesses

My work experience, however, prepared me for my greatest battle: living with scleroderma, Sjögren’s syndrome, traumatic brain injury (TBI), bilateral hearing loss, and many other conditions. I worked hard to gain recognition at work and in the community, but now I’m working just as hard to manage my health.

The Daily Fight Against Chronic Symptoms Every day feels like a workday as I fight to manage the brain fog, fatigue, and physical pain that accompany these conditions. Brain fog, in particular, is one of my greatest challenges. Some days, the fatigue—both mental and physical—is so overwhelming that I have to ask for grace to get through. Yet, it’s comforting to connect with others who face similar struggles, which is why I appreciate the community on Alike Health.

Managing Chronic Pain

To manage my health, I take turmeric pills and joint medication prescribed by my rheumatologist. I’ve learned that calming music helps relax the mind and reduce anxiety, which can increase pain. I’m rarely pain-free, but I’ve found ways to cope. With my autism spectrum disorder (ASD), my pain perception differs from others. For example, I once underwent major surgery (a hysterectomy) with minimal pain relief.

Coping with New Diagnoses Each new diagnosis brings a mix of emotions. I cry a little each time, but then something inside me rises up and propels me forward. While a new diagnosis can be overwhelming, it doesn’t bring much relief—just more questions. I often feel like I’m left to fend for myself, with people watching from the sidelines. My personal support system is frustrated with those who stand by and do nothing, but I’ve learned to place my faith in no one but God. My doctors, who understand the toll each new diagnosis takes on me, do their best to protect me from being overwhelmed.

The Impact of Trauma on Health

I grew up in an abusive home and endured thirty years of trauma with few people truly caring. It wasn’t until I was under state protection that it was fully recognized just how much this trauma affected my health. My therapist explained that years of intense and ongoing trauma are likely a big reason for my current health issues. She’s not surprised by my struggles, though the one thing that stands out to her, and to everyone else, is my unwavering faith. Even those who don’t care about me are often amazed by my resilience.

When the pain becomes too much, I rest, take a short walk, or cry. Warm compresses help sometimes, but I’ve grown used to the pain—it’s simply the story of my life. I rarely complain about it, choosing instead to keep my thoughts to myself, despite the protests of my power of attorneys who encourage me to speak up. But this is how I’ve learned to cope.

Through it all, I continue to press forward. Life with chronic illness is a battle, but I refuse to let it define me. I am "Overcomer," and no matter what, I will keep moving forward.

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