Hi, new here, before I begin just want to clarify that I haven't been diagnosed with bpd. I've done extensive research on it and have majority of the traits and symptoms. I am aware that just because I correlate with said traits and symptoms that it doesn't mean I have it. And from what I've read, it's one of the hardest disorders to diagnose. How do I bring this up with a professional to possibly get a diagnosis? It's honestly one of the only disorders that makes sense as to why I act the way I do, why I am the way I am. Everytime I bring this up to my gp they just send me to headspace, and when I bring it up there it tends to fall on deaf ears and nothing gets done, I basically get left high and dry without any answers.
Anyone else taking amitriptyline? Been on it for a few years now and I’m still struggling with my depression… any advice?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Complex post traumatic stress disorder
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Brand new here... I have DID, PTSD, Depression, and Chronic Pain.... Just wondering if there is anyone else out there that is struggling as well that would like to chat?
How do I eat healthy when I don’t have the energy to make food for myself? And I often don’t have the appetite to eat foods that I have. Premade foods are a good idea, but they often contain lots of sodium. Any ideas?
Feeling so lonely and trapped inside. My body is always in pain and the frequency of the bathroom has become nonfunctional within the last two years. I miss my old life before I got so sick. Does anyone have any specific suggestions on how to feel less lonely while trapped inside???
what is it like to have sleep apnea alongside other conditions like asthma, depression, PCOS, essential hypertension, high cholesterol? my depression was diagnosed before my sleep apnea diagnosis as I was only diagnosed with sleep apnea on Monday.
Hi I am new on here. I am wanting to find friends. I am struggling with being lonely.
hey y'all. my seizures have been getting worse again. I'm very weak and can barely stand for more than 30 seconds at a time most days. today, I showered for the first time in 25 days. (gross, I know). I just don't want it to get this bad again. the last month or so has been awful. what are some steps I can take to get better or, at the very least, stay clean-ish? thanks in advance. it's much appreciated. love y'all, and if there's anyone out there going through something similar, I wish you the best. 🫶 until next time.
The significance of online communities lies in the emotional support and understanding they provide, empowering patients to express their concerns, fears, and triumphs without fear of judgment. Such platforms foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie, helping patients navigate the complexities of their conditions and treatment options.
night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Major depression is a mood disorder that lasts at least two weeks and is characterized by a depressed mood, low self-esteem, and self-blame.
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